Deer Season
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Deer Season
It was November and I was six years old as we drove north towards Mackinaw City and the ferry that would take us across the “Straits of Mackinac” to “God’s Country”, Upper Michigan, my birthplace. As we drove along in the darkness a few cars would pass going south now and then and sometimes I would see animals tied to the fenders or on the roofs of some of them. I watched this for some time and finally asked “Why do those cars have animals tied on them?” “Those are deer, it’s deer season” was the reply.
Since those early days I have grown to appreciate the significance of those words “Deer Season.” Every fall otherwise sane people suddenly grow restless and begin stopping at the local sporting goods outlets and shops buying all manner of paraphernalia related to the hunting of an animal known as the whitetail deer. Hundreds of thousands of hunters invade the otherwise serene wilderness of the Midwest, my Michigan included, to satisfy the urge to bag a buck on opening day (November 15th in Michigan).
Hunting camps become the center of activity for small platoons of eager hunters who brave the predawn darkness to get to their stand or blind before sunup. These hardy souls will often spend the day watching for that elusive deer that has been romping through their dreams for the many weary months since last November; dragging tired bodies back to the camp after sundown to eat and then sleep a restless night until it is time to begin again.
I started deer hunting when I turned fourteen and could buy my very first deer license. I was hunting with a borrowed rifle and no idea what I was doing. I have related the story of my first buck before so I won’t retell it but it was a success and kept me hooked on deer hunting for the rest of my days. Some years were great and some were poor but no matter what happened I had fun and never regretted chasing after the wily whitetail.
The seasons have changed over the years with antlerless tags and bow seasons or black powder seasons but no matter what the method I have always been eager to get out there and hunt. The jitters of waiting for the first morning never quite leave a deer hunter no matter how old and seasoned that hunter may be and anyone who says the thrill is not there probably isn’t hunting anymore. My heart still starts racing at the sight of a grand buck with a rack of antlers gleaming over his head and I’ve seen a few nice ones in the years since I started. My brother called the other day and said he had a fever and when I asked if it was serious he laughed and said it was just “Deer Season Fever”! That’s how deer hunters are, always eager to get out hunting.
I don’t shoot deer any more but come opening day I will be watching the land around my house waiting to see if a buck comes around and if one does I will most likely snap a picture to remember him by and think about next “Deer Season.”
P.S. I dug up some photos of deer poles etc. I don't know where or who took them but they were in community e-mails on the net so if I am stepping on any toes I apologize.
??? I don't get any pics in the sub folder.......
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