Eagle Grips
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Has anybody ever used Eagle grips on their handguns? I fell in love with the Ebony grips for the python and finally ordered aset for mine. Just wondering if I am OK? Chris
I just can't leave things alone! I now have four sets of grips for my Python, and these Eagle Ebony look pretty good so I'm leaving them on. Chris
P.S. Yeah, that's a fiber optic sight on the front, I know they are no good but I can't figure out what to do with it. Guess it'll stay there while the gold bead and the partridge blades rest in the case for a bit.
I always liked the python shoulda never let mine go.How do you like the fiber optics? I need help with the factory Ruger sights and my vision is going lately.Went shooting yesterday the first since my sons illness.He hasn't lost too much,but I have.Never thought age would catch my eyes,and the sights on your python don't look too bad.The grips ain't too shabby either. One day I'll sit down and put some pics up.By the way is this the E.K.photo site? Keep em coming. Don
You bet, I think we need more pictures from everyone, there must be scads of photos out there that need to be viewed by us picture lovers. Yes, I love my Python too. I bought it in 1968 and have had no problems with it whatsoever. Is that one word Al? I am a tinkerer and have to try new stuff every so often and grips are a good place to experiment. Fiber optics are tricky! I tried them because my old eyes were getting very tired and I was having trouble seeing the target so I thought a glowing red dot would help. I didn't want to put a red dot sight on but I thought a fiber optic would be a good second best test, it works to some extent but as with all things, it has limitations and "A man should know his limitations"! If you are experimenting with a Redhawk maybe a gold bead and a vee notch would be a first place to start, then a fiber optic front and vee rear, with a scope as an alternative. I stayed away from scopes for several reasons, one: I like to be a cowboy and wear a holster, and two: I couldn't afford scopes and stuff when I was buying guns and raising kids! Now I can try things I couldn't before but I am so bullheaded and stubborn I still can't bring myself to scope a pistol, that's just me and I have no problems with anyone who loves scoped pistols. I think we all can do what makes us happy with our handguns and I can't critisize anyone else for their choices. Boy, am I rambling on or what here, time to close. Chris
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