Look what I found
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I went today to a gun shop today looking for a grip adaptor for one of my revolvers. What happened was is that the shop owner had a large box he has had for years, and I ended up getting all of them. So I ended up with PLENTY of grip adaptors. Pachmayr, Mershon, and a few Tyler T's. The Mershon's are nice because they list being able to fit the .38-44, so I know they have some years. All of those boxes are full of adaptors, about 60 or so in all.
I think those Tyler's are collector grade now, on some of the other forums guys are scrambling to find them! You must have a guardian angel helping you find all this stuff. Keep up the good finds. Chris
I've only used a grip adapter on one gun, a S&W model 10 w/5" bbl. Its a darn accurate lil gun, but the grip adapter makes my shots go high. I could use a little elevation on my New Service-might you have one you are willing to part with?
I can only surmise that you need some front sight height, maybe a new blade or perhaps a custom ramp. Or remove the adapter. Just thinking, Chris
Chris, the Model 10 isn't mine, just one that I borrowed to shoot, and return. Its very nice, and I like it a lot, but, for better or worse I'm a Colt man. Really, there is only one S&W that I wish I owned, and that is the Model 27 with the 5" bbl.
The New Service shoots low for me with my standard low pressure loads. Bump up the powder charge, and she is right on. I guess I kind of assumed that if the grip adapter made me shoot high on the Smith, it might do the same for the Colt, making the lighter loads print correctly.
Most likely, I just need to run loads that reach factory specs, not reduced loads. Honestly, I do not know of a front sight that I would wish to change to. I've seen one New Service that was fitted with a ramped sight from an Officer's Model, but at this point, robbing the sight from an OM is extreme sacrilege!
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