Sighting Aid
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Sight Aid
I have an old man's eyes and it is often hard to focus on the open sights of my handguns when I'm target shooting or even just plinking. I was familiar with the old aperature sight discs that can be clipped on glasses but was never interested in buying them for whatever reason, maybe my aversion to spending money! I saw a product a while back that advertised a stick on paper aperature that would do the job of a sight disc. Problem was, I didn't buy those right away and when I decided to try them the company was out of business. Being very industrious I decided to make my own. If any of you are like me, you get stick on address labels in the mail from various organizations and soon have such a stockpile that they get thrown away eventually. I figured if I punched a pinhole or similar aperature size in one of these labels I could stick it on my glasses and it would be the same as a sight disc! In the pictures I show how I used a leather punch to put holes in the label and then stick it on my glass lens. It ain't perfect but it does work and I can attest to how it sharpens the sight picture when I target practice. If any of you are interested try it and it may surprise you. Chris
Hi Chris
that looks like a good idea.
for the last several years I have been cutting strips about 1/2 or 3/4 inch wide from coke cans and drilling or punching a 1/16 inch hole in one end.
I bend them over and just slip one over the top of my glasses.
they also slide out of the way.
ace arbitrary. I used the smallest hole punch on the wheel of the leather punch and it is a hair over 1/16th but any small hole punch will do the job and each user will find what size is best for their needs. Your use of can strips is more permanent than the adhesive labels which I use once and discard when done. Good shooting. Chris
Mikes "Clear2target" is out of business, patent infringement. Is he the one you were talking about?
I tried his out, kind of like your's, Chris, worked pretty good.
That sounds like the one Al. I am so cheap I didn't want to spend the money at the time and when I decided to try them it was out of business..... Mine works pretty good and I have so many address labels it is a cinch I won't run out for years. I think there is still the "Merit" sight aid that is metal and clips on the glasses and has been around for years. Chris
I got to try out a Merit unit several years ago,it was adjustable with an iris and was held on with a suction cup.
They cost about $80.
Used this a couple of times:
I think the problem is I shoot like crap weather I can see or not...
Al, you can't use wooden guns to shoot! Get some real gun supply catalogs and your shooting will improve immediately! Neat sight aid by the way. Chris
Elmer talked highly about the Merit eye peice. His picture was used in their adds for years. Myself, I have found that the bottom prrescription for my bi focals gives me a perfectly sharp front sight, with the rear and target blurred. That is what is should be. I have ben shooting good groups with a pair of glasses made to that prescrption. Just an observation.
I've been trying different things, using the "Part way down" on the vari-byfocals gave me some great groups, like you say, front site in focus target a little blurry, problem is I have to turn my glasses upside down or point my nose skyward. Ordered some +1.00 clip on/ flip up readers for overhead work, and they are just what the doctor ordered. Reading glasses by themself were no good, but these over my regular perscription are great. With them on I have distance vision probably 20/30 or so (at 24" 20/15!), a 50 yard bull is plenty clear albeit a little fuzzy, front blade sharp and clear, rear site good. Had some of the best 50 yd groups out of the FA I've ever had last time at the range.
I have a Merit which attaches to the glasses via a rubber cup and one that screws into a peep receiver sight it has never worked for me for target shooting I use a weak reading glass RX and in the field very bright sometimes fiber optics. I have even done the unthinkable and installed a JP dot on a 50 caliber revolver.
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