A Special Hunt
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Buffalo Hunt
I feel that a short introduction is needed to set the stage for the event I am relating. Years ago, or at least it seems like that, I was diagnosed with COPD which is a combination of breathing diseases that gradually put you out of commission. A few years ago when my COPD forced me to go on supplemental O2 full time and after using portable systems for quite a few years I was forced to give up hunting because my breathing required more substantial oxygen equipment and mostly confinement to my house. The following story is about a long past birthday and what it meant for me.
My Birthday Buffalo Hunt
My friend Don knew I really hated giving up hunting and most of all regretted never getting to Africa for a Cape buffalo hunt using my custom 375 H&H. He sent me a life size Cape buffalo target for my 65th birthday and told me to celebrate by shooting “My Buffalo”! I actually thought it was a joke at first but then I realized he was trying to give me a great birthday present. Due to all the meds I have to take I am susceptible to bruising and was afraid the recoil of my rifle might leave a dandy sore shoulder but I decided life was too short to worry about minor things like that and headed into the vast savannah of my back yard to hunt a faux buffalo.
It was October and actually a very nice day for that time of year here in God’s Country! It was surprisingly free of the dreaded mosquitoes which sometimes plague hunters in the early fall so I was excited to be outside and enjoying it. With the help of my wife, who was my target setter and spotter, I went on my birthday “Buff Hunt”. The target stand was some wooden stakes driven into the ground in front of my .22 backstop which is approximately 30 yards from where I sit to shoot. My rifle was my custom Remington .375 H&H with rear aperture sight and front bead and I was shooting some older Remington factory ammo of 270 grain persuasion that I wanted to use up. I probably had some 300 grain reloads somewhere but didn’t think a “paper bull” required that much.
Custom Remington 700 375 H&H with Knoxx recoil reducing stock
I sat in a lawn chair and held my rifle offhand and admit to being a little wobbly! When you see the pictures of my two shots at the target you’ll see what I mean. I started by shooting three or four practice rounds into the backstop before we actually put the paper up and I felt comfortable enough to try a few at the bull. The following picture shows my first shot and then second shot and first one together.
My first shot is a little forward, I was aiming for the near shoulder, but maybe with a solid in real life it may have broken the other shoulder. Good thing he wasn’t charging me!
Second shot is where I wanted it but a bit high but maybe would have clipped the heart or lungs in a real bull? I guess I’m lucky I didn’t have to follow it into the bush!!
Look close and you can see my O2 canula stuffed in my nose, a constant way of life for me, but I finished my birthday hunt unscathed and relieved I had kind of fulfilled a dream, even if it was just a make believe hunt. If there is any moral to this it is never let anything stop you from living your dreams as long as you can breathe!
... 65th. Looks like a good way to spend the afternoon
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