Welcome ManOfLaMuncha
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Welcome to the forum. Chris S
Thanks Chris, and Greetings all:
I’ve a M29-2, 4” blued that I inherited from my brother, for which I will be hand loading some hunting rounds. While I’ve loaded rifle calibers for the past 50 years, the .44 Mag will be a first, so a bit of advice will go a long way for me:
1. Are .44 Mag loads always crimped?
2. Are the “proper” Keith 429421 hard cast 250gr bullets pre-lubed?
3. I read in Elmer’s early literature, that he recommends against gas checks. Still true?
I’m sure I’ll think of something else later, but for now answers to these questions will help me a lot.
#1.Using any hunting load or just most .44 Mag loads crimping is necessary to keep the other cartridge bullets from moving forward in the other cylinder chambers when a round is fired.
#2.Not sure where you will be buying your bullets but most vendors say if their bullets are lubed or not. I never cast bullets myself so I always bought lubed bullets. If you buy unlubed bullets you will need to lube them yourself and I always figured that was too much mess and work, being basically lazy myself.
#3. Elmer didn't like gas checks! However, many of todays shooters using very hot loads in the "Ruger Only" category are driving bullets really fast and gas checks are usually beneficial. You shouldn't be shooting Ruger Only loads in your Smith.
Get a good loading manual (I recommend getting several manuals so you can see what each vendor uses) and good powder for the recommended loads and be careful approaching any max load, you really don't need max loads to hunt deer or elk size game in my humble opinion. Practice with mild loads and get accurate then practice with your hunting load to get used to the recoil etc. Good Luck.
Chris S
The reason Elmer didn't like gas checks I that low gasses to go by them,and cut the driving bands. And he was correct. A properly sized bullet,and cylinder/bore relationship is what is needed to make an accurate,non fouling cast bullet.
As far as Ruger only loads,the Smith is every bit as strong as the Ruger. It is forged steel,not cast like the Ruger. Just because the Ruger looks stronger,its not. Just made cheaper.
Damned spell check. Is that bore gasses.
Great to hear from you again, I was wondering how you were doing? Chris S
"Damned spell check. Is that bore gasses."
Hahaha! You're not alone, that type of spell check mishap happens to me as well.
Shooting Novice and Photographer at Petstreetmall.
I will be coming out West in May. Watch out. Bringing my Big Sharps,as you don't know what you will run into. 50-140-600 should settle any Problem.
I have a 23 ft motorhome,and plan on seeing from Montana to Texas. Make the big loop.
...you are getting pretty close to Valleyford, and about the right time for the shoot this year. Maybe you need to jump across the Idaho pan handle and shoot with us this year.
Well made some of the trip. Had Great adventures. Was attacked by Crow Indians on the res. They ried to steal my rv. They ran into a Dodge 3500 with a Fford 150. The Crow driver was killed. I had pulled out the 45-70 Sharps. Between all the crazy things happening We escaped unhurt.If Someone will call me,i will relay the entire scoop.
Almost had to spend the night in Yellowstone,on the road,because they closed off a work area at 10. Got scary. But a kind worker guided us out. Boy the towns around Yellowstone are friendly,but expensive. I ate at Subway the whole time. Oh the Sharps was loaded with 500 grain Lee cast bullets and 70 grains black. 1 fg. Compressed. I know you guys would be wondering. No i didnt shoot the Indian. He hit the steering wheel and crushed his chest in. Man are they big boys. Drunk,mean tattooed, and crazy.
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