Gun Cleaning
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How often do guns need to be cleaned? I was taught as a kid that you cleaned your weapon when you were done using it, especially if it had been used in wet conditions. I have always cleaned my guns after I'm done shooting but I have noticed that some gun writers are now saying that too much cleaning is bad. So I am asking everyone here, how often do you recommend cleaning a firearm? I am curious to know if I'm old fashioned. Thanks, Chris
Hey, Chris!
No wonder your guns look so nice.
Here is why mine don't:
Glocks- When they quit working
1911/ Full Sized- When I replace the recoil spring
1911/ 3" Carry- every couple hundred rounds
S/A Revolvers- If you think you are going to show them to someone, and after hunting season.
D/A Revolvers- Before I take a picture to show Len
Rifles- After hunting season
.22's- See Glocks
Al, you' re making me feel bad. I want my guns to look good so y' all won' t think I'm neglecting them. They have been shot mucho times in the last thirty or so years. I read somewhere that more 22's are wrecked by cleaning than by shooting, maybe that was true. I guess I'll shoot more and clean less from now on. thanks for the help, Chris
Now you got me started!
Last night at the range, my Kimber Ultra Carry 45 was feeling a little stickey, thought I'd do a quick field strip and clean, popped the cap of the breakfree, and proceded to dump half a bottle down the lockwork, magwell, and all over the slide and grips! (Should have looked a little closer at the top of the bottle, boy that stuff comes out fast!) Anyway, what a mess. Not quite in the caliber of the Deepwater Horizon, but a close second. Probably wont need to clean/ lubricate it again for quite some time.
Sorry Al, I didn't mean to bring down the wrath of the gun gods on you. I will have to do penance or something to get out of your hair. I swear I won't bug you anymore. Chris
I was so distraught since I was cleaning my guns too much, according to Al, so I shot my little .22 Scout for what seemed like forever without cleaning it. Finally had 2050 rounds through it when it got kind of hard to push the cartridges into the chambers and the old lube from those greased 22's was caked up on the muzzle so thick I was worried the mosquitoes might get stuck to it. The empties were starting to stick in the chambers when I was unloading it so I broke down and cleaned it! I probably could have shot a few more rounds but I figured it was time to clean the old girl up a bit, looking kind of dingy and dull with all the powder residue and such. I feel much better now. Chris
When I was about 9 I got a stevens? single shot 22 and about 3 years later Dad tought me to clean his guns(Remington Model 8, 32 Rem. auto and Remington Model 11 12 gauge). I kept them clean as long as I lived at home but I left about 1956. Dad passed away in 1976 and when I got his guns they had not been cleaned since I left home. That was a project! I don't let mine go that long.
M1A, every few hundred rounds (no corrosive ammo)
Hunting rifles, depends on hunting conditions
.22 revolvers, every time in chambers, around extractor star, chamber recesses, business end of cylinder; bore, once in a while carefully
1911s, every 2-3 times unless filthy
Centerfire revolvers, every 2-3 times
All exteriors wiped down every time handled
Shooter bathes first Saturday of every month regardless of conditions
I made a gun cleaning solution that works wonderfully. Unfortunatly, because of my heath problems, I have not been able to market it as of yet. Have a company that is interested in making it, and paying me yearly for the formula.
I reccomend cleaning a good gun every time you use it. Nothing worse than a gun that does not work when you desperatly need it. Been there, Done that. If you cannot take care of your gun, take up archery. They are all lazy tightwads as far as I have seen, and I used to work in an archery shop. People that could not buy a gun because they were criminals, Game hogs that wanted longer seasons, and people that did not want the responsability of taking care of firearms. Cold statement, but that is my veiw on it.
I clean all my guns at least 3 times a year. Guns I rely on for my life I clean every week, and inspect daily.
Gee Gunny you missed the humor of my posts. Al thought my guns were too clean so I did a test with my Scout 22. I shot it for quite some time without cleaning just to see how long it would go without a hiccup. Over 2000 + rounds and I finally cleaned it but it was still working fine, a testament to fine craftsmanship I'm sure???? Anyway, glad to hear from you Gunny, take care. Chris
just setting the record straight for all the newbes that read this forum. Remember all the readers are not old salts like us.
I don't necessarily recommend this guy one way or the other but I do scan his posts and ran across this one about cleaning .22's. Whether you agree or not I can attest to the fact that my little Scout .22 shot just as well after 2000 rounds without cleaning as before, but it did get dirty! And needed the "crud" cleaned out. Chris
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