
Blesbok with 454...
Submitted by jamesfromjersey on Wed, 03/25/2015 - 03:49- Login to post comments

Nyala, bushbuck and duiker with FA`s 475 Linebaugh....
Submitted by jamesfromjersey on Wed, 03/25/2015 - 03:29
Cape buff with 500WE (,last May) shooting Grizzly Ammo`s 420gr Punch bullet load.....
Submitted by jamesfromjersey on Wed, 03/25/2015 - 02:28Grover's Improved Number 5
Submitted by Amityslim on Wed, 09/17/2014 - 08:49Anybody know where I could buy a copy of an owner's manual for the above piece? I've searched around a bit but can find nothing. Figured somebody here might have an idea. Thanks.
Brass Grip Frames
Submitted by chris3755 on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 03:22Just wondering if anybody knows if a brass grip frame from a BP Colt or clone would be able to be fitted to a New Frontier SA. I assume it would require the backstrap too and possibly the mainspring.I am thinking of something like an 1860 Colt Army or similar. Chris S
Barrel Shorter!
Submitted by chris3755 on Tue, 04/30/2013 - 23:06Got an itch to make my Colt 45 New Frontier into a 5 1/2 incher so I cut the barrel off and put a new ramp on with interchangeable inserts. Shoots great, one pulled low but that was me. I sure do like short barrels! Chris S
44 Special
Submitted by Creeker on Fri, 04/19/2013 - 19:23Classic bullet for a classic cartridge. 9 BHN & will shortly have LBT Blue.
Elm Outfitters & Guide Training Program
Submitted by elmguide on Tue, 03/26/2013 - 04:43Hey all just wanted to let ya know we have openings for students in our Mid June class and our Sept class this year
Training for guides, packers, wranglers, camp cooks. We have job placement assistance and outfitters are already calling us for help this coming season.
This is a lifestyle few individuals ever get the opportunity to experience. Come join us
Erv Malnarich along with Elmer and Jack O'Connor started this program way back in the day and we carry on the tradition.

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